Child Development class gives practical experience

Kami Sexton, Contributing Writer

Over thousands of teens leave high school not knowing how to prepare for children or not having a plan. That is why Stephanie Pycior decided to teach the Child Development class at Nixa High School and has been teaching this class for 21 years.

   “My favorite thing is talking about healthy relationships and making good choices. I would like to think that I am changing people’s lives,” Pycior said.

Pycior’s goal is to help teach parenting skills and maturity so it can make a really big difference for many students’ lives and to make the world a better place. Next semester the students will be taking care of mechanical babies that have the same needs as a regular baby besides going to the bathroom.

   “It is important to know when to make those important and big decisions at the right moments,” Pycior said.

Decision-making is one of the most important factors that Pycior likes to help share and help with students. Olivia Chellappa, a student, shows the same motivation to the class that Pycior does. 

   “I would like to teach children as a future career and I enjoy learning about kids,” Chellappa said. “It also gives you your own responsibilities.”

There are many projects assigned in the class but Liv realized that just during semester one she has already learned more than she thought she would. She is excited to understand kids and to be ready for her future career in the teaching industry.

   “It teaches you important precautions to take and it helps me be more cautious of the decisions that I will make in the future,” Chellappa said.

The Child Development class teaches many life skills, mainly for teens so that they can have a better understanding of children and their future.