Working Wonders
With the summertime comes an increase of high school students looking for new jobs. Many local shops and businesses are looking for employees.
April 20, 2022
There are 104 days of summer vacation, but how is one to find a good way to spend it? Earning money ranks at the top of the options list for some students.
Students can find a wide variety of jobs available in Nixa, ranging anywhere from lawn care to food service. There are many resources out there to help job hunters of all ages, from specialized websites to a simple Google search. Another way could be to ask about job openings at local businesses.
Several resources for students can be found at school, according to Joy Horgan, College and Career counselor at the Nixa High School.
“The counselor’s website is a good place to start,” Horgan said. “You can come to my office anytime to ask if I know of jobs. There are also ‘help wanted’ [or] ‘we’re hiring…’ signs throughout the community.”
Matt Crouse, the director of Parks and Recreation said the X-Center will be hiring for a variety of positions this summer.
“Currently, open positions include lifeguard, swim instructors, aquatics admissions, camp counselors, concession workers, grounds maintenance, fitness attendants, front desk, bus driver, swim team coach, sports officials, umpires [and] referees,” Crouse said.
Active job listings for the can be found on the City of Nixa’s website,, for which applications can be filled out in person at the X-Center on request. Not all of these positions will be unoccupied forever, so make sure to double-check that an interesting position is still available. Additionally, some positions may require specific prerequisites.
With such varied options, Crouse says that most anyone can find a position that interests them.
“We offer such a wide variety of job opportunities that there is something for everyone,” Crouse said. “We hope to hire a diverse group of employees [so] that we are able to use each individual’s unique talents to help provide a fun experience for those we serve.”
Now is a good time to start looking for a job, according to Horgan.
“Start talking to local businesses now, businesses are looking for people… talk to your teachers and ask them if you can use them as a reference,” Horgan said.
A resume is an extra step to take to make a good first impression.
“Prepare a resume… you may not have much on there, but it will be impressive that you took the time to create one,” Horgan said. “Use a template that is already created to make it easier for you.”
“Employers will teach you the hard skills needed to do a job,” Horgan said. “They need [potential employees] to demonstrate soft skills, [like showing] up to work on time for your scheduled shift… [staying] off your cell phone… communication skills [both written and spoken] and good listening skills, etc.”
Practice interviewing skills. Once you get an interview, make sure to dress for the part and do a little research on the company.