Amp it Up
Senior Lane Duncan admires his view from the stage
October 13, 2022
Nixa bands have come alive this fall. Three bands, all made up of Nixa High School students, offer a variety of music genres. They are playing around the Ozarks.
The Rome Plows
Sophomores Isaac Williams and Kody Breeding are the voices of their band The Rome Plows. Williams had a previous band called filmappericationclub, but when some decided to change his pace.
“I made an EP on a streaming platform called ‘Bandcamp,’ ” Williams said. “It really isn’t reflective of us because it was just me who wrote it along with a few people who helped with some instruments.”
They classify their band as folk and psychedelic rock and have been inspired by many bands and singers from the 1960’s.
“The Beatles, a lot of Beatles,” Breeding said. “Bob Dylan and Neil Young have been my biggest influences in how I play and who I am.”
Williams leads the band in vocals, keys and guitar. Breeding is a bassist with the occasional harmonica. Sophomore Joanna Jordan is a part of the group as well and helps with high vocals. Sophomore Gavin Collins is a mixed percussionist and helps with harmonizing. Breeding enjoys the art of performing live, even if it is in his uncle’s backyard.
“Over the summer, we got the band together and we were able to go to my uncle’s house to debut our album live,” Breeding said. ”We had two trombone players: Adam Parton who just graduated and [senior] Jayden Cantrell. I think performing live is valuable to a band because it is a way of communicating with them. Seeing how they react with the music is so much cooler than guessing who they would react to when it is on their phones.”
The Rome Plows believe in playing music freely, free of charge and enjoy playing in public locations.
“Mainly anywhere that gives us a good space, like a park,” Breeding said.
Williams says that performing gives them a bigger opportunity for them to be heard.
“We put a big emphasis on performing free of charge, especially outside in a space where everyone can hear,” Williams said.
The band goes over to Breeding’s house every Tuesday to work on music, whether that be his bedroom, or his kitchen.
“We go over to Kody’s house every Tuesday,” Williams said. “We go all around his house and what is great about it is the fact we can use literally anything and it makes music.”
The Rome Plows have an Instagram page where anyone can keep up with them and latest releases. They plan to release a new song in late October into early November.
Born in Winter
Senior Colton Russell created a band with friends senior Jack Nichols and junior William Rouhani called Born in Winter. The band is a primarily metal and rock band that released on SoundCloud. Russell is the main vocalist and lead guitarist for the band and has shown how music can change a person.
“Music has helped me through some of the rough and best times of my life,” Russell said. “Having an outlet I can share with all of these people including my friends just amazes me.”
Russell has been playing guitar for six years and has been learning bass and drums for the last two. Their main inspiration has come from rock band legends such as Slipknot, Alice In Chains, and Jimi Hendrix. Nichols and Russell were able to see Slipknot live.
“They have been main inspirations for me just by how they are able to relay emotion to their music,” Russell said.
Russell creates music to allow the listeners to feel the same way he feels when he creates his music.
“Depending on the song, I want them to feel everything from happiness, sorrow, or just want to go somewhere to mess some stuff up.” Russell said.
Russell thanks his friends, especially Nichols, for being with him regardless of the situation.
“If I didn’t have Jack I feel like playing wouldn’t be the same,” Russell said. “I always think about how it would be if I didn’t have Jack. He understands me and I understand him and I feel like we work really well together.”
Born in Winter released a new song Sep. 26 on SoundCloud called “Alone.” All music by Born in Winter and Russell’s side band called Requiem can be found there.
WhenGodWeeps is an art collective that has formed around 12 people. The group has been buzzing around the high school from their crazy live performances and selling shows. Senior Lane Duncan who goes by the stage name Weston Hills, got an early start to his career.
“I have been making music since about eighth grade,” Duncan said. “I have always used Garage band for all of my music making.”
Duncan works with artists like senior Chase Larson and Kaden Adams, who go by stage name GibbyGibby and Kaden A. They all create hip-hop and R&B music that they release on SoundCloud as well. Even if they each go through different writing processes, Duncan praises his friends for being the most supportive people in his life.
“My friends are my biggest fans,” Duncan said “They have cheered me on through my doubts and even my non-music making friends help me and cheer me on a lot.”
The music process for Duncan is unlike anyone else’s, going all digital from a touch of a small piano he owns.
“I try to be very genuine with [writing music] and I usually have a specific goal and artistic purpose for making a song,” Duncan said. “It is true with a lot of great bands, but some people don’t really have that view; they just rap on a beat.”
Like Williams and Russell, Duncan also shares the same love as live music, whether he is on the stage or watching one of his role models.
“I saw Tyler, The Creator in concert and he changed me,” Ducan said. “He expanded my brain in ways I never thought was possible. He helped me find myself and has allowed me to trust in myself when I play live on stage. I feel truly free and my truest self and people are able to see me for who I really am.”
Spectator and senior Elle Justice has been able to watch Duncan and her friends grow into positive and confident performers.
“The best song at the concert to watch was ‘Stay Mad’ created by their friend Dustin who goes by DOUGHBOY!,” Justice said. “It is crazy these are all the people I watched grow and the amount of confidence they have when they are up [on stage] is amazing.”
Duncan has words of advice for anyone looking to start a band or make music by themselves.
“I want everyone to know that they can make art and if you feel like making music then do it because maybe you might be the next great artist,” Duncan said. “Everyone has a message and everyone has the ability to use their voice to get that message across. It is all about their determination.”