Vaping increases the risk for addiction problems

Zoey Walker, Contributing Writer

   The vaping epidemic has become bigger this year, especially among youth and at school, impairing the user’s academic and athletic performance and overall well-being.  As the use in students becomes bigger so does the need for someone to stop them.

   Nixa High School Nurse Melinda Lansdown said that the school is struggling to keep up.

   “Those do allow the admin to know when there’s been vapors detected but we only have so many administrators that can run to check those things to see who’s in there using them at the time.  So if they’re busy, who’s available to check them?” Lansdown said.

   The usefulness of anti-drug programs, such as DARE, has also been speculated.

   “There are kids who grew up with DARE who still are doing, like, drugs early, ya know,” Freshman Lila Tudman said. 

   Lansdown said she believes that students should be reminded of the consequences of having vapes.

   “Maybe putting the word out there of what the consequences are and maybe if people knew what the consequences of getting caught that they would be less likely to have them [vapes]…” Lansdown said.

   A type of rehab for young vapers could be really useful.

   “Another thing [to help students who use vapes] is trying to help students who are trying to quit and having withdrawal symptoms.  Giving them things to help battle those withdrawal symptoms and kinda get through that…” Lansdown said.