FFA students gain variety of experiences

Katelyn Klein, Contributing Writer

FFA Leader Lena Stewart and student head Addison Spencer have been passionate about FFA and helping the program grow and flourish due to its creation just a few years ago.

“A lot of kids tell me it gives their mind a break from the common core classes even though we’re kinda doing the same thing just at a different route,” Stewart said. 

Agriculture students experience what it’s like to have more freedom as an adult and gain skills for future plans after high school. 

“They usually have a little more free reign, plus they get a lot more life skills that are particular to what they want to do when they come out of high school,” Stewart said.

Stewart said she is hopeful for students to come out of the FFA class as best as they can be.

“I always tell them the first day, I don’t care if you learn anything about cattle, I don’t care if you learn anything about plants, but when you walk out of this room and you’re a senior or whatever year it is, my goal is that you know how to be a functioning member in society,” Stewart said.

Stewart said a wide variety of students join FFA. 

“A lot of people, since we’re still so new, think you have to be involved in some sort of agriculture related field and you don’t,” Stewart said. “Yes you have an upperhand because you kinda have a general idea of what’s going on, but I’ve got a couple of kids who joined last year, no background in agriculture whatsoever and don’t really fit the typical ‘ag kid’ stereotype, and they thrive and they love it.”

Spencer said she is grateful for how FFA has shaped her life.

“I enjoy getting to meet a lot of new people, I have a lot of friends from different schools that I wouldn’t have met without FFA,” Spencer said.

Spencer is always up for the interesting projects that go on in FFA.

“Last year we got to dissect pig organs, which was really gross but also really interesting to see how their body’s work,” Spencer said.

Spencer said she is hopeful for word to spread about the new class and for more students to be able to join.

“I feel like the only way we’re going to continue to grow is if more people know about it and more people are able to have that sense of respect for the organization and what we do.”