Student band Rome Plows focuses on nature

Laurel Latimer, Contributing Writer

   Nixa High School students jam together locally to create, perform and release psychedelic pop/rock music under the name The Rome Plows. 

   “To be an actual band, you should have chemistry,” singer/ songwriter of Rome Plows Isaac Williams said. “Chemistry is the first thing.” 

   Williams originally started his creation of music in March of 2022. 

    “I really needed someone to write songs with and Kody [Breeding] was just over one time in the summer,” Williams said. “We were playing music and we realized we have extremely similar tastes.”

   Bands of all genres get their motivation from bands and artists of later times and or present times.

    “Crosby, Skills, Nash and young,” vocalist Joanna Jordan said. “their vocal harmonies are very admirable and that inspires a lot of our harmonies.”

   Kody (The Breeze) Breeding is another singer and songwriter that helped create the existing band.

    “The most important inspiration to me is mother nature,” Breeding said.

  One of the group’s ideologies is simply about money and the absence of it in their musical environment. 

   “Music should be free,” Jordan said. “That is our philosophy.”

   “Money stunts the art in my opinion,” Williams said. “making a business, suddenly you’re not making art you’re 

making a product.”

   “I think money is a man-made problem that has only rendered people blind,” Breeding said.

Being able to play in public spaces is a big thing the band wants to do.

    “If people are passing by, are they a part of the crowd or not?” Williams said.  This way of performing is free and it gets the band name out there.

   Freshman at Nixa High School, Joe Payne, has been listening to The Rome Plows perform since the beginning and intends to follow them into the future.

   “I was a fan of Isaac Williams before Rome plows,” Payne said. “I plan to be there when they perform at the super bowl.” 

    Recently, the band has grown to five members. Their new single, Hydrangeas, can be accessed on Bandcamp under their name, The Rome Plows.