Poetry club focuses on expression
Poetry class gathers to share personal poetry and to be themselves. Row 1: Alix Turner (10) Row 2: Madelyn Middleton (11, left) and Kara Nex (10) Row 3: Rylee Scholl (11, left), Ava Collins (11), Hannah Kasper (11), and Addison Eden (11).
December 19, 2022
Poetry Club is much more than writing little stories, it allows the students to be themselves. Sharing deep thoughts and rhyming words together to give powerful meanings to them.
Brianna Ashby, the teacher that organized and runs the poetry club, said it was students who had the idea to start the club.
“Students that were in Honors English last year, loved the poetry we did towards the end of the year,” Ashby said. “I had a couple students ask if we could start a poetry club for the following year to have a place to share their poetry.”
Poetry is a unique type of writing since there are so many different kinds of it, it allows different varieties of students to express their poems in different ways. This is the first year this club is taking place but Ashby plans on keeping it going for years to come. For it being the first year they are having it, anywhere between 10-15 students come out every time so far.
“We have a lot of snacks, we have crafted the meetings around holidays so we base what we do off them,” Ashby said. “Traditionally we share poetry with the group.”
Ashby makes the place welcoming by bringing in snacks for everyone and just making them feel comfortable. She likes that it is a safe place for everyone to come in and not only come in to share their thoughts but also connect with each other.
“My favorite part is hearing and seeing students share their own writing, it’s inspirational,” Ashby said. “I love that I just get to be a fly on the wall and see them sharing while helping each other. ”