As the trees start to change and the autumn breeze blows, students at Nixa High School transform their style into comfortable sweaters and skirts. With colors shifting to reds, oranges and browns, each student dresses for the season in their own way. Junior Joanna Jordan ge

ts her inspiration from many outlets.
“I gravitate towards people who give me inspiration,” Jordan said. “I’m also very inspired by music. I like to consume a lot of media.”
Jordan said she believes that you should dress however you’re most confident.
“Nobody else should decide what you do with yourself,” Jordan said. “If people hate on you because of your style, they are jealous.”
Outfit inspiration can be difficult. Luckily there are outlets to browse for ideas.
“I definitely thrive more in the colder weather months because most of my wardrobe is sweaters and overalls,” senior Ava Collins said. “I find stuff on my Pinterest board and I try and recreate things I see online.”
When it comes to an outfit, confidence is key.
“The most important part of an outfit is the way someone wears it,” Collins said. “You can tell when someone is truly comfortable in what they are wearing.”
On top of being self-assured, being comfortable is a big point of dressing in fall fashion.
“Go with something that is comfortable first and stand out later,” Collins said.
Mood and outfits can go hand in hand. Collins said to perceive fall as nostalgic and hopeful, a time to get in a warm sweater and sip a hot drink.
”I like pumpkins, pumpkin spice and leaves,” Collins said. “As far as clothes sweaters for sure, the idea of sunsets as well.”
Some things to do during fall include pumpkin carving, reading, watching movies and fall snacks. An ideal day for Jordan consists of many fall attributes to relax and calm her.
“A sweater, skirt, tights, some boots, go out, get a pumpkin spice latte at a little cafe,” Jordan said. “Then probably go walk around–a nature hike. Go home and say it was an ideal fall day, it would start raining and you could read a book inside. Then maybe watch a fall movie.”