The passing of the bond issue in April has allowed for renovations in the Nixa High School library, including a new glass-encased workspace for all classes. Julie Staats, librarian, welcomes the new workspace and the quietness it offers to students.
“We have totally reimagined this space,” Staats said. “I had to get out of my [comfort zone] and not put things where they were because that’s where they’ve always gone. We call the [new space] the ‘glass castle.’ The glass classroom, in its entirety, is more usable because of sound. Not only does it hold sound inside the room, it’s keeping sound outside of this room, and it’s also contributing to the sound absorption in other parts of the library. It’s created a more unique space.”
The renovations have also brought new amenities, like a coffee bar and resources for life after high school.
“We have new flooring, new paints and new cabinetry will be in by the beginning of November,” Staats said. “We’ll have a cafe space in the library right as you walk in. It will be open all day every day, all run by students. We have a space where the Birdhouse used to be, that will be focused on all things post-graduation. A+ [scholarship program], how to enlist in the military, how to fill out a job application, anything and everything after you graduate [will be in there].”
Although the library renovations haven’t been totalized, the cost is estimated at around $225,000.
Tina Vincent is the new library media aid, who assists Staats with daily tasks and projects. Vincent said she is appreciative of the new look.
“I love the remodel of the library, it’s awesome,” Vincent said. “It’s a great place for the students to mingle or just decompress.”
Senior Angela Lee is a library assistant, who helps organize and tidying up the library when needed. Lee has had experience in organizing libraries, so she was prepared for the job.
“I like the library, it’s very homey,” Lee said. “… I’ve volunteered at High Pointe shelving books so I already knew how to shelve books. I figured it would be easy. Additionally, with the changes in librarians, I knew it would be easier for Mrs. Staats [with my help].”
Staats is now the school’s only librarian. Sheila Michaels, a former NHS librarian, is now working at the libraries at Century Elementary and High Pointe Elementary.
“I miss Ms. Michaels, of course,” Staats said. “It was like losing your left arm. We’d worked together for seven years, it was a long time. In our personal lives, we went through a lot together. She was like my work spouse. I still hang out with her on the sidelines.”
Lee said the updates were needed as more students opt to take virtual classes.
“I want to see what it looks like when it’s done,” Lee said. “With people increasingly taking launch [virtual learning program] classes, they have to come in here so might as well not feel like a classroom environment, but a homey environment.”
Staats said she hopes that the glass workspace can be used by all classes, not just the typical English class.
“My hope for this enclosed space is that it gets used all day, every day,” Staats said. “I don’t want just English classes coming down, I want all subjects coming down and using this space. The last two weeks we’ve had math classes come down here and use the board game area after their tests. We just had our first ELO [Extended Learning Opportunity] session and being able to have math in [the glass classroom] was great. Being able to … have the different subjects in the different areas [is] much more efficient.”
New Look for the Library
The NHS library renovations bring in new flooring,
walls and a new glass classroom
Deliliah Neff, Managing Editor
October 11, 2023
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Deliliah Neff, Managing Editor
Hey, I’m Deliliah Neff and I’m the Managing Editor for the 2023-24 school year. I joined Wingspan at the start of my junior year, 2022-23. I love being able to hear people’s stories and talk to people I wouldn’t normally talk to.