The Greatest Generation: The generation of men and women who, when faced with an insurmountable difficulty, took the challenge head on. The generation of Americans who were brought into a conflict which they did not start but most definitely finished. These were the men and women who flooded my mind when I signed my own service contract with the United States Air Force.
There has always been a part of me that had wanted to serve in the U.S. military. The tradition and history held within the branches, the multitude of professional and personal opportunities they offer and the sense of adventure that came with it – it all appealed to me.
However, they were all insignificant when compared to the true reason of my wanting to serve. I wanted to do more in recognition of veterans. I didn’t feel “Thank you for your service” was adequate for the sacrifices that our veterans made and continue to make. I wanted to serve because it is my way of thanking those who served before me.
When I look at The Greatest Generation and I see their willingness and almost a compulsive want to defend their nation, I become melancholy. It makes me melancholy because I know that I will probably never see America in that mindset.
The mindset now is that it’s almost looked at as a last resort. Many in my own generation, Gen Z, have almost prioritized college after high school. I am not saying that people shouldn’t go to college.
However, the majority of Americans who did go to college, regardless if they graduated and got a college diploma, are battling college debt. Those same Americans will more than likely be paying off those college loans for at least the next 15 years.
Whereas, if they went into the military for a minimum of four years active, their college education would be paid for. It makes more sense to me to bite the bullet for a few years than paying debts for the next 20 years.
I wish the military option was more highly looked at by younger people. There is so much that the military can offer people whether they decide to make the military a lifelong career or just a short stint. Regardless of popular opinion, I am excited and ready for what the military can offer me.