From big bulky backpacks to empty little bags with only a few folders, Nixa students have seen them all.
Organization can be vital for students success. Advanced classes tend to require students to be more organized. One such student, sophomore Trace Heller, currently enrolled in Advanced Placement World History, says organizing his work is vital.
“I prioritize having binders for classes that give lots of notes and homework and then I have folders for smaller classes like Health and other classes that don’t need room,” Heller said.
Note-taking can help with classes that require memorization. Students taking language classes like Spanish and French may use these tools to succeed.
“One thing that I think is important but often goes unnoticed here at the high school is a good system of notes,” Heller said. “Last year when I was taking Spanish two, I got a lot of success by using flashcards to study for upcoming quizzes and highlighters for whenever we got handouts from the teacher.”
The front pocket of a person’s backpack can say a lot about them. For some students, their hobbies and personality can shine through.
“In my front pocket, I keep a bag of gum, some pencils [and] a guitar pick,” senior Garrett Whitten said. “Also, [I] keep deodorant, a speaker and cologne.”
The front pocket of a backpack can be quite practical. For junior Christian Martinez, his front pocket helps him out with physical education.
“I bring my deodorant and cologne because I have PE so I put all of that on before and after so I don’t smell bad,” Martinez said.
Essentials can be more than just pencils and pens. Junior Atreyu Young said he keeps a couple of personal items in his bag that are not needed for his classes.
“I have a wireless charger, pomade and a block,” Young said. “[Also] I have a toothbrush.”
School essentials can help students with their daily lives at school.
“My essentials for school are probably my Chromebook and calculator,” Martinez said. “My Chromebook is important because I take a lot of online classes and my calculator always helps with math whenever I struggle.”
Packing accordingly can be important for a students daily agenda.
“I always have my Chromebook fully charged and I make sure I have more than one spare pencil,” Heller said.
While some students’ essentials include Chromebooks, not all students view them as important.
“My essentials are probably a folder, some paper, my tan utility bag and a couple of pencils,” Martinez said.
Some students feel that music is an integral part of their day and important to succeed in school. Which is why some students will bring items to listen to music while at school.
“During passing periods, I like just to be calm and listen to my music,” Martinez said.
What’s in your Bag?
Students bring a variety of items to school in their backpacks
Martin Schmalzbauer, Staff Writter
October 9, 2024
Blue Jansport backpack laid out with pencils, pens a notebook, calculator, vaseline, Airpods, Altoids, a watch, a deodorant, phone and Carmex.