Lights are shining, and the cheers are so loud that you can’t hear the coach screaming the play. A student section can sometimes make or break a football game. Imagine being in a game, down only one touchdown, and you need to perform the correct play to score, but you can’t hear your coach because the home team’s student section is so loud and energetic you can’t even focus on your job. With the Nixa student section feeling insulted after being ranked at No. 2 out of the top 40 best student sections in Missouri last year, the fans have decided to be the best student section in the state.
Although they still get good turnout at away games, Nixa has one of the best, loudest, and most energetic student sections in the state. Even if Nixa wins each game by a wide margin, the students find a way to keep the energy high and make opposing teams struggle to even make simple plays. “The energy is great, everyone’s excited and everyone’s pumped up to be there and we got a good team so it makes cheering a lot better and obviously more fun,” Bryce Foster, a senior, said.
With Foster being a senior, there’s definitely a lot more responsibility.
“You kinda feel like you have more responsibility, kind of controlling everything, and you’re running the student section, so just being a leader and showing the younger grades how it’s done.”
Although last year, Nixa came short of being the No. 1 student section in the state, people are already saying Nixa could be number one, as for Foster he says “one-hundred percent, it’s always our goal to be number one in everything we do, and I definitely think we’re gonna do it.”
While the students and fans think they’re the best, what do the players think of the fans? Does the atmosphere created by the fans really help them?
“For sure, the student section really helps because they bring the energy, and that energy carries over to the rest of the crowd, and having a loud third down or fourth down where they can’t really hear anything, it’s huge for us,” senior Tight End Lane Meltabarger said.
And not only do the students show out to home games, but so does the community.
“For sure, it’s a great thing all the community comes out and someone supports us and if we can just keep on winning I think they will keep on coming out and keep on supporting us, ”

(Blake Eidson)

(Blake Eidson)