Creativity is one of the most important qualities one can have. Without it, our world would be colorless. Creativity is not a box one can check to include in one’s personality, it is a part of who they are (See page 13).
One example of what creativity has done is help direct the public. Leadership takes creativity and devotion to guide those around them. Historically, powerful leaders like Napoleon and Martin Luther King Jr. have been some of the most creative people because of their ability to expand on ideas that might seem impossible. Creative ideas are commonly seen in the form of art, music, film and theater. However, many forget that advancements in technological instruments are a result of creativity. Curiosity goes hand in hand with creativity. In the past, people looked up at the stars and imagined what it might be like up there. That curiosity is what landed us on the moon. Without creativity, our world would lack the innovations we have access to today.
In order to evolve, we need creativity. It fuels progress and has led to our society. That being said, the lack of originality can stop us from moving forward as a whole. Time will stand still if new ideas stop flowing. The creativity one has can be lost if it is taken for granted. The lack of originality runs heavily through the halls of high school with the increase in conformity and the inability to be one’s self. It is important to notice when conformity has gone too far and to stick out from those around you. The fear of standing out keeps social norms in place, but blocking off one’s creativity and originality stands in the way of self-identity.