Slumped? Students can stay focused and motivated
Mason Busch demonstrates the second-semester slump that is often experienced. “The second semester hits me like a tornado,” Busch said. “I get distracted more easily than I do during the first semester, especially since there are just a few months of school left.”
January 16, 2020
Between the holidays and the cold weather, it can be hard to stay focused during the winter season. The holidays are meant to be a time to relax with family and friends, but some students struggle going back to school once winter break is over.
According to senior Max Brower, his struggles lay in his ability to stay on top of his assignments and school work.
“I’ll look at a big pile of homework and think, ‘I’ll do it later,’ when in
reality, I am just pushing it off further and further,” Brower said.
This state of mind is different for every grade level. Seniors may struggle a little more than others. But freshman Lydia Cheek said she struggles to break away from the laziness of winter, too.
“Winter can leave me in the habit of not doing anything or forgetting to do things, I think that’s why it can be hard for me to stay motivated,” Cheek said.
There are many reasons why
everyone seems to have this
motivational problem during winter. The holidays take lots of energy for one – from shopping, family gatherings, cooking and much more. After the first semester is over, it can turn into a solid few weeks of absolute distraction from reality. This is why it is important for every student to have their own process and plan for staying on task.
For Brower, his motivation is in the personal goals he sets for himself.
“I always want to be better than I was last year, and that generally keeps me motivated to keep going,” Brower said.
Setting small goals can make a big task seem smaller than it may actually be. Instead of just seeing one large goal, see lots of individual ones instead.
“As humans we strive for progress, without those goals we are just existing blindly. I’d say get yourself where you want to be in life, It’s not always going to be easy but hard work generally pays off in the end,” Brower said.
Most people have different means of getting and staying motivated. Cheek says being near friends helps.
“Going places with friends and knowing that I am doing something and enjoying it is what keeps me going,” Cheek said.
Other common ways to stay motivated include waking up early, eating balanced meals, making a schedule,
exercising and keeping a positive outlook.