Stepping onto new Turf: John Perry brings winning attitude to Nixa High School football
Provided by: Nixa Public Schools
John Perry is from Pearl, Mississippi.
February 25, 2020
STORY BY: Macie Clark
SENIOR design editor
Friday Night Lights might change after the stadium upgrades, but there is also a change in the who. Richard Rehagen is stepping down as head football coach after 22 years at Nixa.
John Perry, from Pearl, Mississippi will step in with the new lead role.
The stadium updates mean Perry is looking forward to crowded Friday nights.
“Oh man, I am excited about that. That’s awesome,” Perry said.
Aaron Wells has been at Nixa for 11 years in teaching and coaching. Wells has an open mind about the changes to come next year.
“I don’t know. There are a million ways to do things and I am sure it is going to be a lot different from Coach Rehagen. It is going to be a fresh start for a lot of our guys and something completely different,” Wells said.
Overall, Perry has some high statistics.
“[It’s] A great opportunity to come into a great community and have a chance to hopefully win a state championship,” Perry said.
For Perry fun is always in the mix to come.
“We are gonna have fun. You know how you spell fun: W.I.N. We’re gonna win folks,” Perry said.
Perry’s statistics from Pearl, Mississippi:
2017 6A State Champion at Pearl High School
2017 Pearl High School was named the 19th football team in the nation by USA Today
2016 6A State Runner-up at Pearl High School
2014 North State Runner-up (final four in state)
Regional Champions 2008, 2014, 2016, and 2017
2007 4A North State Runner-up (final four in State)
2006 4A Region IV Champions at Pearl High School
2004 4A Region IV Champions at Pearl High School
2003 Region IV Runner-up at Pearl High School