Rebecca Madline-Redman holds up a sign saying “I’ll get to it later” a phrase often used by seniors suffering from senioritis
February 26, 2020
When graduation is inching closer every single day, seniors often find it very hard to stay motivated and not grow apathetic at the repetitive nature of high school. Encapsulated into one word, this feeling is known as ‘senioritis’ and it is no stranger to English teacher Shane Lawless’ classroom.
“Senioritis is a disease that convinces students they have already graduated and they don’t have to put in any effort to succeed,” Lawless said.
Symptoms of senioritis range from person to person, but they generally include a general lack of motivation, tiredness, moodiness and procrastination. Senior Rebecca Madline-Redman suffers from senioritis and the stress of transitioning into adulthood,
“Through the entirety of high school, teachers mold us into what the school wants,” Madline-Redman said. “The escape into adulthood, while exciting, can be really overwhelming.”
The struggle between the teenage high school years and the independent adult years is something many seniors face as they decide what is next after high school.
“I feel like the class of 2020 just wants to be done with high school,” Madline-Redman said.
While senioritis is usually a normal part of high school, some correlate harder classes with more senioritis.
“When classes are harder it gives a student more motivation to want to be done,” Lawless said.
With many seniors taking AP and dual enrollment courses, senioritis can be brought out more because of the rigorous workload.
“I’m taking AP Psychology and it’s hard enough as it is, but with senioritis, it makes it even worse,” Madline-Redman said.
On the other hand, with easier classes seniors often find more excuses to not do their work.
“Students who don’t take hard classes can also get senioritis badly because the classes are so easy that they feel as if they don’t even need to try,” Lawless said.
Keeping senioritis at bay requires a balance of coursework.
“I wouldn’t take five or six AP classes my senior year, spread them out and don’t overwhelm yourself as a senior,” Lawless said.
Senior Joshua Goodin has also found himself struggling with the symptoms of senioritis.
“Senioritis has made me not want to be in school as much. Even at the slightest inconvenience I will find a way to procrastinate and lose motivation to do good work,” Goodin said.
Senioritis can be annoying to teachers as well.
“A lot of teachers find senioritis as an excuse to not do work,” Goodin said.
While Senioritis can sound scary, there are ways to make its effects less harsh.
“Stay organized and prioritize the goals you want to accomplish,” Madline-Redman said.
“That has always helped me.” Many think there is no true way to prevent senioritis completely, but there are many solutions that have been deemed effective.
“Thinking about the future helps,” Goodin said. “Knowing that if I slack off now, it might affect me in the future.”
Seniors often don’t pay much mind to the future but getting rid of senioritis could be crucial to a student’s potential.
“Students who have already been accepted into a college think that they can slack off,” Lawless said. “What they don’t realize, however, is that colleges can revoke the acceptance. Also, if they fail classes they won’t graduate and have to go through senior year all over again.”
The future is an important aspect of a senior because it is the bridge between being a student and transitioning to college or the workforce.
“Imagine the grades you want to get and what you want to accomplish after high school and set your mind on those things,” Madline-Redman said.
Despite the annoying nature of senioritis it is something almost all seniors go through at one point or another. Teachers generally understand the struggles seniors go through and their ultimate goal is to see students succeed.
“I love my students despite their senioritis, and I wish I could find a catch-all-cure, but I have yet to find one,” Lawless said.
Even though almost all students struggle with senioritis they are able to power through and graduate into greatness.
“Senioritis can be extremely hard to get through, but like any struggle, you push through and you will come out the other end a stronger and more prepared person,” Goodin said. “You shouldn’t be ashamed of your senioritis. Just keep trying your best and you’ll make it through.”