One of the oldest debates among food and drinks since their conceptions in the United States. Found virtually everywhere one could possibly think of on a hot summer day. The question is which one are grabbing, a Coke or a Pepsi?
This is the question I thought I would try and answer while being as objective as possible. Personally, I could go for either or. At the end of the day, both are a solid soda and neither one has grossly negative attributes.
The first thing that should be taken into consideration is their price. When doing this, I had bought both the Pepsi and Coke product from the local Walmart. Because of how Walmart works, I ended up buying a two liter bottle of both instead of a 12 soda cans. Pepsi was the cheaper of the two being $1.98 compared to Coca-Cola being $2.68.
Next is their logos. Coke being the same iconic red and white with the spencerian script font. Pepsi, however, had a redesign since the last time I had a can. The globe had become more horizontal and linear while the font for the label had also changed. Now being thick and bold lettering as opposed to the original.
For those of you who are more health conscience, I looked at those as well. Coke had 140 calories with 39 grams of sugar while Pepsi had 150 calories with 41 grams of sugar. Coca-Cola being a healthier option is something I never thought I would ever see.
Now the taste, the most important of all factors. Coke was, what can I say it was a Coke. I, only with practically everyone else, have had a Coke before so I know the taste. A bit of a controversial take but I think Pepsi and Coke taste pretty much the same. The only difference I could tell from the two is that Pepsi has more carbonation and fizz than Coke does which makes Coca-Cola a smoother drink than Pepsi. So, between the two, I would have to go for the Coke. Yes, Pepsi is a little bit cheaper but you would only be saving like 50 cents. Also, it is a Coca-Cola, who doesn’t like a cold glass of Coke on a hot day?
zaiden • Jan 24, 2025 at 9:12 am
pepsi is just built dif for real
PRESTON FRANKLIN • Nov 21, 2024 at 10:51 am
I LOVE PEPSI!!!! <333
Makenzie Stoops • Nov 1, 2024 at 8:47 am
I like Pepsi better because it dosn’t make me feel worse after eating cake
Kim • Oct 19, 2024 at 4:05 pm